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  • Sustainability at St. Eval
  • Sara-Jayne McKinty

Sustainability at St. Eval

Sustainability at St. Eval

Here at St. Eval, people and planet are at the heart of everything we do. Being based on a working farm we are acutely aware of how important the environment is and how vital it is that we look after it.

Arriving at work, on the farm, we see our electric car ports, our wind turbine turning, and we are surrounded by nature, reminded of our commitment to sustainability. We use renewable energy to manufacture and distribute our candles sustainably and our reduced energy consumption combined with our renewable energy production means that we are now net exporters of energy rather than consumers.

St Eval Pillar Candles

We understand and accept our responsibility to help protect the environment wherever we can, both locally and on a wider scale. This understanding has played a fundamental part in the redesign of our packaging to recyclable alternatives, led us to invest heavily in renewable energy and is at the forefront of minds as we move forward as a business into a greener future.

Keeping it green

St Eval Wind Turbine

We are proud to be able to produce our own sustainable energy here on our farm through wind, solar and biomass, in turn reducing our carbon footprint and impact on the environment. In 2011, we erected the UK's quietest Wind Turbine, followed by the installation of Photo Voltaic Panels on our workshop roof in 2013. 

In 2015, we added another sustainable energy stream through having our new Biomass Boiler installed and just last month, we added another Biomass Boiler to the site! Now doubling this renewable energy source. Through each of these efforts we’re now able to produce enough energy to power our entire workshop, including keeping our wax tanks at the perfect temperature for making our candles.

St Eval Biomass Bioler

Biomass boilers are similar to conventional gas boilers, providing heating and hot water for the entire home, but instead of using gas (or oil) to produce the heat, they combust sustainably sourced wood pellets – see an example below:


Biomass Boiler Wood Pellets

Using wood in place of fossil fuels helps to prevent long-term climate change, since the carbon dioxide released during the combustion was actually absorbed while the tree was growing, so they are essentially carbon neutral.

Summer last year we welcomed the installation of two electric car charging points here on site. These are located right outside our factory shop and when you visit our shop, you get 30 minutes of charging for free! Our shop is currently closed to the public, but as soon as it’s safe to reopen we can’t wait for visitors to use these.

Flowers in our field at St Eval

Most recently…

A recent investment has been a “water to air space heater” this takes hot water generated by our Bio Mass boilers and uses it to heat air in our warehousing facility using electricity generated by renewables. This is another way we have addressed climate change and utilise what we can to mitigate it.

Here at St. Eval, our candles are designed with the environment in mind. We tread softly on the earth, respecting and renewing and love that we can produce our own renewable energy via wind, solar and biomass to reduce our carbon footprint and impact on the environment. We’d love to hear from you for any ideas to further support our sustainability ethos, please share your thoughts with us on social @stevalcandles, or via email





  • Post author
    Sara-Jayne McKinty