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Earth Day 2022 | Simple Acts of Green

Earth Day 2022 | Simple Acts of Green

At St. Eval, we’re inspired by the beauty of the natural world and we feel keenly the responsibility that falls on us, both as individuals and as a company, to Invest in Our Planet and make choices that preserve and protect it for future generations.

For over 50 years Earth Day has brought individuals, countries, and businesses together to highlight our shared responsibility in taking care of our planet. The initiative asks us to ‘practice a simple act of green everyday’ and incorporate sustainable practices into our everyday lives in order to make a real difference.

Inspired by Earth Day’s important work, we've put together this blog showcasing just few of the simple changes we can all make to live more sustainably and invest in our planet. 

Reducing plastic use

Earth Day 2022 Invest In Our Planet

Earth Day’s ‘End Plastic Pollution Campaign’ has encouraged us all to learn more about the harmful side of plastic use and to take steps to reduce our use of single use plastics, asking us to take part in litter picks and clean ups to remove plastic pollution from the environment, and to change our habits when it comes to plastic.

Investing in reusable carrier bags and cutlery, avoiding products packaged in single use plastic, and recycling our plastic waste are all relatively easy ways that we can make a real difference when it comes to the prevalence of plastic in our environment. We've taken part in beach cleans in our local area and they're a great way to actively help combat the issue, why not find similar events near you, or you could even grab some gloves and just pick up plastic litter when you’re out and about!

Green Energy

Earth Day 2022 Renewable Energy at St. Eval

Here at St. Eval we produce our own energy and power our candle production sustainably using solar, biomass and wind power and we’re very proud to say that we are close to becoming carbon neutral. While we’re taking important steps as a company to champion green energy there are always things that we can do as individuals to reduce our carbon footprint.

Choosing green energy when it’s accessible, switching off lights and devices when they’re not in use, and being conscious of how our energy usage impacts our Earth are all ways that we can incorporate green living into the everyday.

Tune into Earth Day live

 Earth Day 2022

We all care about our wonderful planet, but sometimes it's hard to know exactly what challenges it faces and how we can help to protect it. One of the other key messages that Earth Day is championing this year is the importance of climate literacy, and they’re advocating for wider education about the environment and climate change in order for everyone to better understand the threats and how to best combat them.

This Earth Day, tuning into their live event is a great way to experience a day full of talks, panels and discussions and learn more about the environment and climate change. Educating ourselves about the Earth is one of the best starting points for being able to advocate for change and protect it! Learn more on the Earth Day website here

 #EarthDay #InvestInOurPlanet