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Folk Collection | Fundraised over £2K for Arts

Folk Collection | Fundraised over £2K for Arts

St. Eval candles reignite the arts with Creative Kernow and Acting for Others

Thank you to everyone who has helped us fundraise over £2,000 for two incredible creative arts charities this summer through the sales of our Folk tins.
We were inspired to help re-ignite the arts during these challenging times and pledged to donate 10% of sales from our new Folk tin candle collection as well as sharing the exciting arts projects, tales from arty-folk and fun from Creative Kernow's FEAST programme across social media and beyond.  We hope you enjoyed reading about the wide variety of arts and community projects which were uniting people and lifting spirits through the mayhem.
In total, we have been able to donate over £1,500 to Creative Kernow and over £500 to Acting for Others which we hope will help our friends in the creative arts industry and further afield.

Rose Barnecut, FEAST Director (Creative Kernow):

"St. Evals' very kind sponsorship of FEAST's Re -Ignition grants programme has been amazing for us. We are delighted with the amount raised, all of which will go directly into grants for artists to deliver creative projects with communities across Cornwall. We are proud to have been selected by St. Eval, such a well-known local company, for this venture.  They have rightly seen the enormous part art and creativity have to play in everyone's wellbeing. Thank you St. Eval - and wonderful candles also."
FEAST harnesses the many talents and energies of Cornwall’s artists and communities to create inspiring opportunities for people to come together and enjoy high quality arts as participants and audiences. Bringing artists together with community volunteers to launch or invigorate local festivals and events.

Joel, from Acting For Others:

"We are very grateful to St. Eval and everyone that has purchased candles from the gorgeous Folk range during this campaign. The funds raised will directly help those in the entertainment industry that need it most, thank you all."

Acting for Others is a fundraising charity that comprises 15 theatrical welfare charities – between them the charities are able to offer emotional support, financial assistance, welfare/benefit/debt advice, and retraining grants to all members of the entertainment profession all across the UK.
So, thank you indeed to everyone who has supported our fundraising campaign and continues to support and invest in protecting our communities and culture during these challenging times.
Sending you all happy vibes and well wishes from the spirit of our Folk candles.