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Saying Farewell to Pete & Sue

Saying Farewell to Pete & Sue

We feel incredibly lucky here at St. Eval to work with such an incredible team of people, and today we celebrated two of our longest serving members of staff as we say goodbye and good luck to them before they retire.

Pete, Drawn Candle Specialist

Having worked here at St. Eval for 22 years, Pete is a much loved member of the team and and has played an integral part in the creation of thousands of stunning candles - bringing smiles to customers far and wide. St. Eval are one of only three companies in the UK who own and operate a drawing machine and the only one who produces drawn candles larger than 2 inches; Pete is a unique specialist, running our drawing machines with the knowledge and skill that comes with dedication and experience.


Sue has been here with us for over 12 years. From running our factory shop, to her current role managing dispatch and planning our production schedule; Sue's had a hand in most areas of the business and has developed an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of St. Eval - there isn't much that she doesn't know!⁠

Pete and Sue got married after meeting here at St. Eval, and while they will be greatly missed by the entire team here, we are so excited for them as they prepare to move to their new home and enjoy this next adventure together.

The Garden Baker St. Eval Cake

Today, we marked this special occasion today with staff gathered together for cake and speeches, sharing treasured memories, and reflecting on these two amazing members of the team. While they will be greatly missed by the entire team here, we are so excited for Pete and Sue and are wishing them all the best in this next adventure together. 
A huge thank you to @thegardenbaker for creating the perfect candle cake to celebrate this occasion. Not only did it look amazing, but it tasted incredible too!